Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Peace at Xmas

Here we are - Xmas 2009. It has come upon us as quickly as ever and as usual it gives us a reminder of sacrifice, goodwill and being true to oneself. It also reminds us of family and the not so fortunate - animal and human alike and binds us for one day in the celebration of the birth of Jesus and all he represented. Let us remember that we humans are not infallible nor are we immortal and the earth does not belong to any one species. We are guests on this amazing fragile planet so I will in great reverence and humility give thanks for all that mother earth has provided for myself and my family and hope that I am worthy to receive it again in the years to come. Good luck and good fortune to all out there, especially to all those who are lost and cannot find their way. I will pray for you. Merry Xmas and celebrate life!!


Anonymous said...

The demons are cowering.
They cannot stand the light.
keep putting out the good word.
to ease the human plight.

mica said...

Thank you Anonymous, nothing could be more poignant right now.